
Glenbrook Lab is a full service clinical laboratory, dedicated to serve the dynamic needs of health care providers through a committed staff, having prominent standing of client-focused and service-oriented organization.

A Board Certified Pathologist directs the Laboratory activities.

We accept assignment on most of the major insurance companies and local unions. A list is available on request.

The lab is staffed with certified medical technologists and technicians. Technical staff is equally supported by highly trained client-service and sales representatives who are always ready to respond to needs of the clients.

Turn around time on most of the common tests is within 24 hours.

STAT testing is available on most routine tests. Results are called in to be followed by the printed reports.

Tests will be repeated without charge whenever, in the physician's opinion, the result does not correlate with the patient's clinical profile.

Flexible specimen-pick up times are available in order to meet the clients needs.

Phlebotomy service is available for Nursing Homes.

Roster Billing is also available in order to eliminate extensive paperwork.

Written reports are sent to clients by distribution services, mail, tele-printer or by secured website. When circumstances warrant, exceptionally rapid transmission of results can be provided by means of installation of telecommunication equipment.

Glenbrook Lab


[email protected]